Mirach Dispute Reducer

Mirach Dispute Reducer

Reduce delivery disputes and chargebacks by offering customer shipping insurance & signature requirement options.


Fulfill orders according to customers' preferences

Info on signature requirement in shopify order

Reduce complaints

Signature upon delivery confirms orders arrive safely, cutting down on lost parcel complaints and negative reviews.

Let customers choose

Signature and Shipping Protection allow customers to pick delivery security that fits them — or opt for none.

Mitigate budget risks

Configure price of shipping protection and signature requirement
Still need to do a refund? You're cushioned by a little extra $$ from added security to balance out losses.

Adaptable Setup

Shopify shipping protection widget with custom colors

Works out-of-the-box

Install app in just a few clicks and start working right away.

Up for customization

In need of a personal touch? Customize the block to fit your shop like a glove. All the configuration is inside your Shopify admin panel.

Easy for both sides

Quick and helpful for you, easy and trust-bounding for customers.

Contact Us

MirachApps Support

Alex, the developer at Mirach Apps here.
Ready to address your questions or hear your thoughts directly. Your feedback is invaluable to us.
Let’s talk!

Email: [email protected]